New York

January 14, 1922–March 20, 1922

14 January 1922, daytime, New York

M. I. E. Muromtsev and Rerikh[1]

– I like when Urusvati perceives comparison between My Shield,[2] covered with haze, and the phenomena of Blavatsky—the parallel is more than it seems.

– “Mist blinds the worldly eye, but the one who can observe the realities of life also

beholds the flow of events.”[3]

– I. Muromtsev can observe his gradual deepening.

– I advise Ks. Muromtsev to change the themes of her thinking. Our world will open success to her above an average human humor.

– “Our Gates, once conquered, lead toward untold wealth.

– Each golden beam of sunlight is a shield against the lunar light reflected onto Earth.

– Between the paths of sun and moon must one choose.

– The sun fills the day with miracles.

– The moon begets fleeting phantoms.

– Walk in the sunlight, open-eyed, and your day will become a wondrous fairy tale.”[4]

– Enough for now.

14 January 1922, evening


– Urusvati said the pure truth; a number of disciples can be embraced by a Hand.

– Why count what is changeable.

– I have something very important to say; please do not interrupt the current with questions.

– I deem Morya entrusted you with His Shield.

– For the first time, you were given the experience to manifest My ordinance outside a closed Society.

– It is necessary to lead the people to be conscious of the special importance and values of the school.

– If Blavatsky was supposed to manifest The Secret Doctrine,[6] you have to inform about Us in practical ways. This is the next step in the appearance of Our Brotherhood.

– People need to know the meaning of the task: why was the Cross erected above the school; why are the walls white; why there are sacred paintings on the walls—not by chance, but a wish to safeguard the place for your experiment.

– Not the school, not communication, but an announcement of the Brotherhood’s desire; an expression of a new stage of life when out of mystery, people must begin to get used to the benevolent forces.

– Consider your task to be in accordance with the importance of My Teaching for contemporary mankind.

– Read The Secret Doctrine I, 353 [352–53—Ed.]. Line 1: “The various Cosmogonies show that the Archaic Universal Soul was held by every nation as the ‘Mind’ of the Demiurgic Creator; and that it was called the ‘Mother,’ Sophia with the Gnostics (or the female Wisdom), the Sephira with the Jews, Saraswati, or Vâch with the Hindus, the Holy Ghost being a female Principle.”[7]

15 January 1922, daytime


– Rerikh should not worry; his path is clear.

– Urusvati, you may ask.

– I was offering a cure for nerves (Explanation of the vision from January 13–14).

– The path to Russia is the most difficult.

– Urusvati is unfolding her ways.

– I deem Urusvati’s phenomena will be happily developed. It is dangerous to speed up the growth.

– You should better know the people around you.

– Do not tell the Russians without special permission.

Did she say anything extra?—I talk about the future.

– Sana should change her thinking—she does not trust My advice.

– It is necessary to distinguish the abilities of the medium.

– In her case, strength can keep her from doing thoughtless things (Salima).

– Coming to confession, you know by heart to whom can be opened your soul.

– The images expressed by the medium prove his way.

– “Seek not for water in the sand.

– Nor for ice in the scorching heat.

– The higher paths lead to the summit.”[8]

– Likewise, you will grasp the phenomena of the medium.

– The New is ready in due time.

– Now show respect to My Instruction—I request.

– Go and support Ziloti.

– You can, but not more than one hour a day—your usefulness is important to Me and I do not want to tire your nerves with communication.

– Enough.

15 January 1922, evening


– I have given you a wonderful, great school, be able to use its possibilities.

– Urusvati, read The Secret Doctrine I, page 332, line 5 [4—Ed.]: “Occult teaching.”

– Read Blavatsky page 236, line 2: “some of them are grooved in spirals.”[9]

– A new person shall come and be helpful to you.

– Urusvati, consider everything to be favorable.

– The spirit is good; after moving will calm down.

– Enough.

16 January 1922, evening


– Urusvati, a bump on the road is not a mountain.

– The apartment’s torments.

– Search tomorrow on the indicated street, on a paper written by hand.

– I think they will concede.

– Nutsya considers My Shield is inappropriate for the department—something interferes with My Hand.

– You may call tomorrow morning.

– Read The Secret Doctrine I, 43. Line 2: “A higher standard of excellence in the following period of activity.”

– Blavatsky, 312. Line 1: “had followed us from Bombay.”[10]

– Read The Secret Doctrine I, 311 [310—Ed.]. Line 1: “the seven capital Sins and the seven Virtues.”

– Blavatsky, 253. Line 2: “Salutary, falls, according to the Brahmanical computation between March 12th and April 10th.”[11]

– Read Blavatsky, 202. Line 3: “Used to luxuries of every kind as to grow weary even of

Golkonda. ”[12]

The Secret Doctrine I, 234. Line 9 [11—Ed.]: “He is a living body, not a living being.”

– Read The Secret Doctrine I, 143. Line 5: “’The Mother sleeps, yet is ever breathing.’”

– Blavatsky 133. Line 2: “people do not believe in.”[13]

The Secret Doctrine I, 531. Line 2: “And without doubt overspreads the other planets, to which the Sun is the mighty Minister?”

– Blavatsky, 121. Line 1: “Gratuitous ferry daily transports to the well-guarded shore.”[14]

– I think Urusvati can spare Nutsya.

– I think Urusvati prefers personal communication.

– “(Urusvati,) stay firm in My constant Guidance and Love for you.”[15]

– Urusvati, I know what I am doing.

– “Through the cumulative labor of centuries is happiness built.”[16]

– Enough.

17 January 1922, evening


The apartment was found on January 17, as indicated.

– I vouch for Rerikh’s success.

– My Hand will guard in the midst of battle.

– Urusvati, read Blavatsky, 313. Line 1. (About yogis)[17]

– Read Blavatsky, 32. Line 1: “Only the strong bars of the cage saved the Jaina from a vigorous protest on the part of this veteran of the forest.”[18]

– Sleep quietly. M. Koot-Hoomi

– Better afterwards.

– Let Urusvati read The Secret Doctrine I, 111. Line 6: “That of a living Force created by Will.”

– Morya foresees a battle—prepare the spear.

– Ask.

– Yes—tomorrow.

– Say: Not by the table, but in spirit we communicate—both of you are implementing the given instruction.

– Display the image of secret knowledge.

– You are able to.

– Urusvati, read The Secret Doctrine I, 311. Line 20. (About the changes and perversions of religions.)

– Read Blavatsky, 234. Line 3: “following the bad example . . .”[19] (Pertains to our talk.)

– I think Urusvati should ask Coats about the previous life in London.

– Urusvati, you may show My Image, but do not disclose the name.

– Read The Secret Doctrine I, 324. Line 1 and line 2.

Are her thoughts correct about . . .? I shall explain in the book.

– Enough.

18 January 1922


– “Under My Banners will I assemble new followers.

– Dedicate yourselves to the task of gathering the people and, with them, erecting My Temple.

– Tarry not at M’s call.”[20]

– I deem the implemented work is clear.

– I will tell tonight.

– Rakoczy, start playing, Rakoczy approves the time—sound in My Name (At night from January 17–18, E.R. heard one word: “Spiel” (german: play), the sound hit her ear with terrible force).

– I, Morya, told be steadfast.

– Rakoczy approved for America.

When will she hear M.M.’s voice again?—You shall hear in due time.

– “Be steadfast and build your path to Me.”[21]

– I will continue tonight.

18 January 1922, later

M.  The Lichtmanns

– I vouch your ways will be asserted.

– A small hall may accommodate big thing for the people.

– I want to grant My Image to the Lichtmanns.

– The shield-bearers must know who is preceded.

– Read The Secret Doctrine I, 221. Line 7—(To S. Lichtmann).

– With crowning devotion, I will smite the traitors.

– The Shield is above you; do not waste time.

– Enough.

19 January 1922


– Spring will bring you the best way.

– I foresee your joy.

– I deem success will come (April).

– Rerikh, where has your bravery gone?

– Urusvati, do not think Rerikh is weak.

– I consider you are the favorite children of Morya.

– Urusvati is able.

– Urusvati is able.

– Urusvati is able.

– I will give you happiness in the school.

– I can calm you down at the last hour—cruel is the battle.

– Urusvati forgot her husband, but your karma leads to Me.

– I, Morya, summon you to Us.

– You may peacefully wait.

– You may read The Secret Doctrine I, 332. Line 3: “The spiritual prototypes of all things, as well as their elements, were to be found in the boundless Ether where they were generated, whence they evolved, and whither they returned—an Occult Teaching.”

– The puma is going to jump—it cannot bite.

– There is no need to be afraid.

– Phone Bok.

– It is necessary to act; hide and seek is a child’s game.

– It is possible.

– It is better for hands while standing.

– It is wise to stand before the Image of the Master.

– Morya is with you.

– Read The Secret Doctrine I, 321. Line 1: “expression and a record of thought.”

– Standing is better—the transmission is better.

– Read Blavatsky, 311. Line 3: “I am a Yogi.”[22]

– Enough.

20 January 1922, evening


When we were exiting the Town Hall, Mlle Manziarly approached us in the lobby, telling us she just received a letter from her mother in Adyar, with an urgent request to find out the address of N. Rerikh, and convey it to her to Adyar.

– I have sent you a message from Adyar.

– Search, and puma will not be frightful.

– Be able to find.

– Love, and you shall find the way to Tibet.

– Morya.

– Urusvati, I will arrange your way to Tibet.

– Observe the life, and you will discern the signs of My exceptional love and care.

– The solution will come—you will leave simply and easily.

– The tide carries you to a peaceful apartment.

– I give My best word—try to understand.

– There is nothing higher than exceptional love.

– The one that has My Love can perceive unspoken words.

– I think the quality of displayed art works is not high.

– No need to pay attention to Spors.

– I read Urusvati’s soul.

– Not many received as much goodness as you four.

– Now let us carefully forward the arrows to Boston. I will help.

– I like to manifest spiritual help, and thus accelerate life’s path.

– I am giving My best.

– Enough.

21 January 1922, evening


– I sense Rerikh’s success grows—the clouds dispel.

– “By your everyday life do I teach you.

– (Urusvati), Fear not the weak-spirited—like dry leaves will they be blown away.”[23]

– Almost like Chaliapin—he will carry the news to Russia.

– I know what to do—send information to Rus—you are able to hold high the Russian name.

– Russia should know—you are alive.

– Urusvati, become the mistress of My school.

– I deem it necessary to affirm in the minds of people that you have a mission.

– You can hang an icon of Saint Sergius of Radonezh in the sacred corner of the church—temporarily.

– Read The Secret Doctrine I, 439. Line 3: “This word, composed of seven letters in each tongue.” (Jehovah).

– Blavatsky, 36. Line 5: “The incarnation of Vishnu . . .”[24]

– You can read The Secret Doctrine I, 272: “mathams, as for instance, in the ‘Sringa-giri.’”

– Blavatsky, 221. Line 22: “everywhere in India.”[25]

– Enough.

22 January 1922, morning


– Urusvati, Rerikh is tormented by a nerve of the leg; let Me give the cure—a hot bath and Baume Bengué.[26]

– Today you can display tolerance, so much inherent in Me.

– You do not need to judge sternly, homely looking people.

– I will give you new hearts of friends today.

– Let Rerikh sit for a while.

– Enough.

22 January 1922, evening


– My children, a wonder occurred in life; My Shield vouches for success.

– I think, now you can collect a subscription to the exhibition.

– Now you need not to hold the shield—perceive: I Myself stand behind you.

– You may indicate: The Master leads Himself.

– Urusvati, the flowers are from Me—roses.

– Do not forget the bath.

– I rejoice at work and know; you will follow Me far into the mountains.

– Heal Ming’s legs to the knees.

– If one wonder happened, a second is also possible.

– When sitting, the vertebra works in another way.

– Miracles will happen—everything is fine.

23 January 1922, evening


– Rumu means—the one who dedicated himself to God.

– Galomozh—joy of the spirit.

– “I bring joy of spirit.

– My Hand is over your pure thoughts.

– M teaches you to beseech the Holy Brothers to show you the steps of the higher path.”[27]

– Udraya is better now.

– Lumou grows in spirit.

– Your torments will soon end.

– Your soul will calm down.

– His thoughts are pure.

– “Through the hand can the best current be transmitted.

– The hand can arrest the waters.

– An obscure consciousness transmits not the current.

– It is wise to feel your strength at the moment of contact.”[28]

– The Lewison sisters.

– Urusvati, consider Lewison are your friends.

– You may begin a subscription.

– You can visit Untermeyer.

– The Chusovaya hill on the border of Mongolia can remind of itself.

– Urusvati can visit Spors.

– Read The Secret Doctrine I, 433. Line 5. [4—Ed.]: “So the Brahmaâ-Prajâpati, once he became separated from, yet identical with Vâch, caused the seven Rishis, the seven Manus or Prajapatis to issue from that crown.”

– Blavatsky, 128. Line 3.[29]

– Everything goes well.

– Enough.

24 January 1922, evening


The first evening in the new apartment.

The miracle of finding the missing ring on the couch in the new apartment.

– The Master’s Ray brought it from Tibet.

– Urusvati, I give you joy.

– Urusvati, you shall find a lot here.

– Read Great Work, 250. Line 4, further line 15, and page 163. Line 3.

– There will be miracles in your life. No need to suffer.

– “Be like the ray of the sun, like the song of the bird.”[30]

– I say hello from Elinor Baley—she left an inscription in the book. She conveys her regards—her hand senses your fluids, and she sends her regards.

– Rerikh needs to be given pyramidon.

Whose hand caught E.R. during the fall?—Mine.

Why did she not feel the presence of M.M.—It is possible to be and not to feel.

– Better take rest now.

24 January 1922, evening


– “I reveal to you the vast school of life.

– By measuring the ways of the world can you gain wisdom.”[31]

– Urusvati, your path is correct, and will lead you to action.

– “Falter not in your pure striving and I will lead you on the path of the chosen ones.”[32]

– No need to tell Koshetz about Me.

– It seems to him (D.).

– “I consider the study of concentration dangerous in a heavy atmosphere.

– People see the visions they desire, because the current is often too weak and they see

images made by their own brains.”[33]

– “(Here the atmosphere is lighter, but) for powerful visions (of the soil) is needed an atmosphere charged with electricity and a consciousness in repose.”[34]

– She is given consolation, otherwise her nature threatens with misfortune (K.).

– I think there is no need to contradict her.

– Her claim is personal and not dangerous.

– Be calm, Urusvati, and leave to Me the way of your action.

– Selivanova, I sense a new person will appear before subscription.

To E.R.’s request to help N.R.—The arrow is returned back to you; Urusvati, pierce the barrier shield.

Whom to send the arrows?—To Me, and I shall uplift the desire of Urusvati, and a ring is My pledge.

– I manifest through a happy wreath to Urusvati (Explanation of the vision of the ring around the head of M.).

– Enough.

26 January 1922, evening


– “My Hand is a Shield of Protection over you.

– My Hand will scatter the clouds.”[35]

– From the side expressed by Zak.

N.R.’s question, what should he tell Z.’s interviewer?—No need to talk about the prisons in Russia. Make your stand, if there is an attitude towards the enemies.

– The guarantees of the Bolsheviks should not be limited to words, but through their aspiration towards demands of time.

– Monasteries should become a source of enlightenment, and schools should be freely open.

– You may tell about the art, but do not touch the prisons.

– Pronounce wise words, you will recollect them after nine years.

– Urusvati, I did not forget to send you a benevolent thought.

– The boys need help—let us jointly send them the arrows.

E.R.’s remark, that she protests, she did not forget the boys—Protest after, now a new stage is given to you.

– Let Koshetz tell no lies about Dietrich. He imagines many things, but Koshetz credits him with much untold.

– Her position is very dangerous, she did not fly—there was a beginning of hysteria—her bliss is made up.

E.R.’s remark, that she is terribly stuffy, hard to breathe—It will pass soon.

– Enough.

27 January 1922, evening


– Consider Koshetz is an alien soul. She displays misunderstanding of the foundations. She cannot discern the Teacher’s hand.

– My Shield protects the school, temporarily hold on.

– “The Teacher will bridle the unruly ones.”[36]

– Seeing Selivanova, mention the name Morgan and hasten her.

– “(Urusvati,) the Teacher bids you read the words of Origen.

– You will begin to understand the transgressions committed by the Church.

– The ways of Origen’s school will be of guidance for our day.”[37]

– The year 1668.

Who was E.R. before incarnating as Natalya Rokotova?—Sister of Charnoya.

– Enough.

28 January 1922


– Kuzhdal carries joy to you.

– I deem Selivanova is useful. Her Guardian is Syamrihtu.

– I am not the Guardian—you are My children.

– Kuzhadali—region of Tibet—he is from there.

– My disciples are helping you.

– “My Name provokes your enemies to opposition, and My Messengers must help you in your battle.

– Earthly support is not reliable, but under the shelter of your Invisible Allies you will conquer.”[38]

– I shall endow Urusvati with a shield, and will manifest the mighty barrier against the dark thoughts, evinced by Chistyakov.

– Not Crane, Koshetz is dangerous.

– Koshetz maintains unfriendly feelings against you.

– Will be useful after nine years.

– My Shield is upon her (Sinaida Gr. Lichtmann).

– Enough for now.

28 January 1922, evening

M. Sinaida Gr. Lichtmann was present

– Sensing the school growth in the future I indicate caution with the Russians.

– Not these ones will build Russia.

– “M∴’s Temple will summon the noblest among the builders.”[39]

– I, I, I accepted.

– “I shall strengthen the armor, and the enemies’ arrows will be an adornment on the

shield of victory.

– Be patient on your watch.

– M may come even in the night hour.

– The faithful will discern the voice of the stranger.

– The morning sun is beheld only by those who arise early.

– But dark are those who miss the early light.

– I am with you and will shield you,”[40]

– Enough.

29 January 1922, daytime


– No need for Urusvati to manifest the hands when her soul is manifested.

– The hands may be used at any time, but accumulation of spiritual treasures requires a lot of time.

– This treasury of yours is filling up, and the pantry of the spirit is like a thrifty hostess—on the long way everything is useful.

– I will guard your way until our meeting in My House.

– Words cannot convey the wondrous.

– Enough.

30 January 1922


– Morya taught you to display stronger Russian character.

– Dim is the school pupils’ happiness—I tell you, I request you to manifest My Shield to Selivanova.

– She recognized, but did not know.

– You may show My coins—through a special energy.

– I shall manifest a bright, wondrous school in Adyar and Tibet.

– You need to aspire—by a wonderful energy.

– I think it will be slightly easier for you now.

– My Hand is ready to begin subscription.

– The cook is already preparing the stew.

– I do not sense wisdom in Koshetz’s activities.

Who will have to slurp the stew?—You.

– My Hand is tired of grazing Koshetz.

– “But you are the builder of your own path.”[41]

– New Koshetz can be done, but the old form does not give in.

– Soon a new level will come—desire to depart.

– Make a distinct wish. Be silent and watch.

– I will sufficiently draw your attention.

– Enough.

31 January 1922, evening


– I deem Urusvati is right, pointing to pettiness of alien souls.

– “Expose the scourge of vulgarity.

– Mis fighting.

– The Hand of Mercy can also smite.

– Follow the Teaching of M∴.[42]

– The idea of unity was not expressed.

– It was necessary to show the spiritualization of the new faith.

– “(It is necessary to) teach in ways accessible to humanity.”[43]

– The year of death of Raja Charnoya’s sister is 1699 (being twenty-five years old).

– The year of death of Akbar’s wife 1608–1607–8.

– The year of death of landlady Rokotova—1830.

– Dalai-Lama, 1642–1731 (The last reincarnation of N.R.).

– Morya visited the Dalai-Lama in 1721 to discuss the affairs of Our House (Ashram).

To E.R.’s remark that she does not want to live long—as long as it is needed for Our Mission.

Why did they not influence her earlier?—Urusvati, I know what to do.

– Enough.

2 February 1922


– Morya is satisfied with the price.

– Let Rerikh consider the path of smile the right one.

– Urusvati, you have merit too—you gave two lives for Me.

– For Allal-Ming and as a sister of Charnoya.

– I deem a secretary is needed.

– I deem a secretary is needed.

– I deem a secretary is needed.

– I shall indicate on Sunday.

– Ask Grant.

– You may mention the painter who has shown that studio.

– “A pure task is pointed out in many ways.”[44]

– Urusvati, apply Baume Bengué on your hip.

2 February 1922, continuation

M. S. Gr. Lichtmann

– I want to convey you My Order: do not write Dietrich that letter. I want to point out—through Me you will know about Koshetz.

– By the Order of the Blessed One (beginning of the letter).

– You may refer to a particular disciple.

– Urusvati, feel pity for yourself. I do not advise you to touch so many old things.

– I want a secretary.

– My Ray will help Urusvati.

– I think you can find one. Urusvati should ask Grant. Tell her—an active person is needed; dead ones are not required.

– “Bodies crowd the street, but dim is the light of their auras.

– Show understanding.”[45]

– Enough.

3 February 1922


– “There is an inner meaning in all things.

– On your (Russian) mission point out that neither the cares of the house nor want have kept you from the path to Us.

– They will make excuses to you that poverty and children impede their way.

– But children are flowers of the earth and poverty is the gift of purification.”[46]

– You go with a popular word and should refer to your own example.

– “They will say to you, “It is easy to serve God when you are rich.”

– But you, too, have known want.

– They will say to you, “You are fortunate to have friends and helpers.”

– But you, too, have lived among hearts of stone.

– Useless is the leader who is not wise in battle.

– Directing your steps toward the heights, I am arming you for life’s struggles.

– In giving you a Teaching for tomorrow, I prepare you for a new life.

– Avoid the dead in spirit—helpers come in growing numbers.

– Not a miracle but a tempered blade is your life.

– On the way to the Temple you must endure much dust and dirt on the path.”[47]

– The small contains the Great.

– “Even a beggar’s joy is great at sight of the sun.

– I am with you.”[48]

– Enough.

4 February 1922, morning


– We decide to direct you there to learn, and then bring the light to Russia.

– On a clean mountain, washed with snow.

– In the north of Everest, you shall learn Our Teaching.

– I shall grant the Teaching—I provide you armor.

– Consider My Teaching ordained, manifested, recognized, and implemented in life by you.

– The time will come when, in the morning, you will go to the ship and tell—it came true.

– Now labor.

– Enough.

5 February 1922, morning


– “(The price is revealed—) understand, there is no progress with those who are dead in spirit.”[49]

– I Myself shall be the Shield.

– Give ‘Ostsanen’ for the school—it will be sold.[50]

– You will get back the cost of painting in India.

– “If even the human touch has power, how much greater is the power of Our Touch!

– The human touch may linger undirected, but Our Touch bestows its energy for an intended time.

– (Until India.)

– “Often a simple wooden icon is more cherished than a gilded one.”[51]

– Your simple icon safeguards your home—My ray is on it.

– Life is burdensome here, but except India I cannot specify better; in France, you may accept the last greetings of the dead.

– They can take My Shield (School in Chicago).

– “A miracle enters life unnoticed.

– It takes time for a pure teaching to make its impress.

– (My beloved ones,) live with patience.”[52]

– Enough.

6 February 1922, morning


– “Yesterday we approached the question of the aura.

– Each one perceives the astral world through the color of his own aura.

– The fuller the harmony of one’s aura, the truer the astral image.

– He whose sense of duty is acute will see this before aught else.

– As those who are attracted by love will be borne to the Realm of Love, and

transported, will comprehend the joy of Beauty.

– Only the gem that radiates all hues of Truth can reflect the full Splendor of the Future.

– Yet we must also appreciate the pure stone of one color.

– We learn to smile at errors (Concerning the book of B. and L.“Man”.) [53]

– Books, like man’s passing thoughts, must be chosen with care.”[54]

– Please, read Origen first.

– Whenever you start a book, ask Me whether you should complete it.

– After Origen, read Rig-Veda.

The Secret Doctrine is sufficient from the newest books.

– “Many easy things are revealed as useless when you gain instruction from Me.

– When berries are gathered in the woods, only the best are chosen.”[55]

– First, We shall sharpen your arrows. And you will reach.

– Enough.

In the evening of February 6, N.R. saw the silver threads of an arrow flying in his direction.

– Whenever possible, I give everything according to the state of health.

– I promise to bring you to the top.

– Now you will reach.

7 February 1922, evening

M. S. Gr. and M. M. Lichtmann

– “Be on your guard.

– Let naught impure enter My Dwelling.”[56]

– Mad people will not teach in a pure school.

– “(Tell Saminsky,) I will assail with lightning those who betray My Plan.

– I will strike terror upon those reckless ones.

– My Shield shall protect those who teach.

– We will manifest wonders to those who render homage.

– We will send blessings to the guardians of My Sign.

– I will send you My Word. Carry it to the disciples. I am with you!”[57]

– Enough.

8 February 1922, morning


– I consider, Urusvati learns correctly about the Adepts.

– “Our Task is to help humanity.

– Often a Yogi, merging into Nirvana, strives to forget the earth.”[58]

– Rerikh, do not write Buymistrov—his thoughts are impure.

– Guard your purity in communication with people.

– Saminsky thinks about himself.

– At Heller’s place, praise Shukhayev.

– One should work in the morning.

– Enough.

8 February 1922, evening


– Urusvati needs a dress. Urusvati needs a hat.

– The Master’s disciples should not show their want to the outsiders, nor initiate them into the experiences of life assigned to them.

– Outsiders are to receive an affirmative reply: Even in difficult times you win—and this is not a lie, but a truth—you will be paid for your labor with money of the earth and heaven.

– Keep in high spirit—a wave of joy may come closer now.

– Cheerfulness and patience will not be tested for too long anymore.

– You will wash your face not with tears, but with the dew of the Himalayas.

– Enough.

9 February 1922, evening


From February 8–9, I heard the words of M.M.: “Thou shallt be mine . . . chela.” *

– I feel Urusvati’s love to Me.

– Write about the sale of the exhibition to the disciple Frances Advey; it is necessary to convey My Will.

– I consider the time is fortunate to begin.

– Urusvati may be in peace; the beginning of the road to Me is laid.

Why does M. speak to E.R. in English language?—The path to Me is in English.

E.R.’s remark that she likes to hear more in Russian—But it is better to specify in an appropriate language.

Can it be that even in India They will speak English with her?—Do not worry, everything will be provided by Us.

– You should write about My involvement in the matter of the school.

– Accept the appearance of Hetter as a sign on the way.

– Urusvati, start to compose, Rerikh will later improve it.

– Urusvati, start with the childhood phenomena.

– In general and Rerikh’s too—not a long one. Stress the spirit—the awakening of the spiritual consciousness. The torments amidst the children—your loneliness. In childhood, the awakening of the spirit was happening early, and there were glimpses of visions.

How old was she when the awakening of the spirit began?—Three.

– You need to know the way without accurate data.

E.R.’s remark that her biography may seem like boasting—No.

If it comes out too good, she will burn it—Mission does not burn.

E.R.’s remark, that she is unable to describe her thoughts—Generalize them.

– Enough.

Is someone else to be instructed except Selivanova?—It is impossible to divide.

Maybe M. can indicate someone else?—We shall see.

10 February 1922, evening


From February 9–10, E.R. saw the rainbow.

– “(Urusvati,) the sun’s smile amidst the clouds brings forth the radiant rainbow.

– You will remember the Aura of the Teacher smiling through the dewdrops of that future day of glory.”[59]

– Eyes should be protected, otherwise the glare of the Himalayan snows will be heavy.

– My dear sister, I beg you to promise Me—Urusvati, find the strength of the spirit to hold the tears, they are harmful for the visions.

– Now let Me finish the lesson of the youth, and the exhibition should be directed.

– “I endure all. My Name is defamed,

– My Works are assailed and distorted, and hostile hands would cleave asunder My Shield.

– But the roots of the new race grow ever stronger.”[60]

– I request you to get acquainted with Stern in the school; I will send benefit through her.

– You need, need to get ready; remember the order of departure: Udraya shall finish the studies, the exhibition will sell, and within a year you will ask for a visa.

– Lumou will begin his exams—hurry up, dear.

– Try to strengthen the school on the given grounds.

– “Listen to the truth—your cloudy mood comes from knowing about the unprecedented approaching world cataclysm.

– The blind rejoice, the deaf make merry.

– But the awakened spirit is filled with foreboding and sorrow.

– Weak-spirited are those who in the midst of battle dream of peace.

– In five years an entire age is outspanned,

– But mankind regards its ever-swifter course as a disaster.”[61]

– And the phenomena of a Boy.

– In the Name of Christ do I speak.

– Enough.

12 February 1922, evening


The usual vision of the hoop and the Image of the Master. The hands of M.M. showed a female portrait in the crown.

– “I send you this consolation. Pure thoughts do not die, they flourish though the earth congeal.”[62]

– I vouch the work of the school shall not die.

– I deem Urusvati shall see better soon.

– Urusvati should tell Ks. Muromtsev to change her attitude towards her husband.

– It is necessary for Our circle not to attract outsiders’ gazes.

– The Russians behave inappropriately.

– Blake—Cab. Willright—Longuier.

– We have prepared the meeting.

– New people will be found.

– Shatter impure thoughts, convey—excuse by experience is unclean.

– Koshetz is dangerous.

– Urusvati should advise Lichtmann to direct Fleyman to Rockefeller.

– Intention justifies.

– In the school.

– Ziloti.

– You will learn that Koyransky reaches out to you.

– Urusvati, aspire towards new instructions of Origen.

– Do not call Russians often.

– Rerikh, expect a letter tomorrow (A letter was received).

Whose portrait was she shown?—Yours—Charnoya.

– Phone the Lichtmanns, they should be reinforced.

– Urusvati, boost your awareness of the proximity of the journey to India.

– I will give the message.

– My Lips will say the needful.

– I am aware of your intentions.

– You need a bath (N.R. felt pain in his legs).

– Enough.

13 February 1922, evening


– The birth of Urusvati can be celebrated, for in this life a special work has been assigned for mankind.

– We greet you—the one, manifested to Us from the very birth—you cannot lose Us.

– “Judge not too severely the happenings of life; they are a chain of events leading you to the Gates.

– Pure thoughts are needed to surmount the obstacles upon the way.”[63]

– Do not attribute alien thoughts to yourself—believe My Mind.

– I read your thoughts, do not belittle your heart.

– You are in a restless mood—wait and listen.

– One secret can be entrusted today.

– Switch off the light.

– Morya is here.

– Do not get tired; do not rush, do not expect, but be calm.

– I am unfolding the sight of the future, but you should not see Me.

– Write down the names of the people, who will meet you in Russia: Khargin, Ulushinskyi, Volf, Black, Zagorskyi, Guk, Shchukin, Koyranskyi, the Muromtsevs, the Lichtmanns, Shibayev, Nuschinskyi, Chubinskyi, Chistyakov, Morozov, Ivanov, and Sychev. Enough for now.

– Switch on the light.

– There is no need to suffer. I do everything for your benefit.

– The truth is beautiful; allow Me to heal you, and lead you through the best, though invisible paths.

– Your ways are clear, and soon will approach to the next level.

– I glance into the future; it is filled with light.

– The present is already past.

– It is wise to compare yourselves with hundreds of millions of the dark ones.

– I lead you lovingly, through the short way, and bestow success upon Udraya.

– Safeguard the scarf for the further path.

– A gift is arriving. For the new, pure Urusvati and Dalai Lama.

– “He who sees himself as kind is not kind;

– But he who blames himself for cruelty demonstrates the progress of his spirit.

– His soul does not rust, and his spirit begins to assume its true form.”[64]

– Enough.

15 February 1922, daytime


At night from February 14–15, a vision of the usual hoop and the Master’s Image, but this time its divided ends were connected with a thin chain; from the middle of the hoop raised a hand holding the sword, attempting to cut the connecting chain.

– Urusvati through her loneliness ascends to the same peaks.

– Our Love will not leave a heart that is full of keen sense—Urusvati knows it.

– The spirit of Urusvati is growing.

– “In the schools of the future (Russia) the ways of spiritual growth will be taught by those who have gained full ascent.

– My chosen ones will bring My simple Word of what must be rendered to the great nation.

– And personal love, national love, and universal love will offer praise and sacrifice to

the Creator of Love.”

– (Proclaim your mission to the people); We send Our Help and Blessing.”[65]

– To the Russian people, of course.

– I will help in your learning in the mountains.

– Enough.

16 February 1922, evening


From February 15–16, the words of M.M.: “page seventeen—Letters of the M. of W.” *         (The letter of M. Morya.)

“Master Moria pledged Himself . . .” *

A ring with a highly luminous stone was shown, then the usual phenomena of a divided hoop, and the Image of M.M. in it. (The ends were shifting, but finally did not connect).

– I vouch for Selivanova’s success.

– I think, by the time of departure, the school will be strengthened.

– “Pure music helps the transmission of the current.”[66]

– Urusvati came again.

– Music was sent to Urusvati—the poem of ecstasy will remove the dust of the earth.

– “We pray by sounds and by symbols of Beauty.

– The heart and mind do not conflict when they sail the Ocean of Creative Labor.

– And the wings of the bird of the spirit, atremble, will soar upon the breeze of harmony.

– And the steel of the word flashes in the furnace of Truth.”[67]

– Convey to Prokofiev Our Will to enhance him, if he is able to carry the precious stone.
– Rerikh, let your word strengthen him.

– Urusvati, Morya Himself vouched for you.

– Not this [one called] Volf.

– His Guardian is in My domain.

– Time to manifest.

– Teach him My confidence of the approach of the New World.

– You can give Flowers of Morya to translate into the Hebrew language.

– The torment of things will pass.

– The Creator needs to see the garment of the spirit.

– The lilac aura is hardly noticeable to your own self. The tone is complex.

– You cannot judge yourself—you are able to light all the colors.

– It will not be long now.

– There is no need to think about dust.

– Interrupting a disease does not mean curing it.

– It is better to send a prescription medication—the poem of ecstasy.

– You shall see new people.

– Count your days until departure to Our shores.

– No need to think about dust.

– Enough.

17 February 1922, evening


In the evening from February 16–17, the usual phenomena of the hoop, and the vision of the ring with the luminous stone.

– Remizov should be told to postpone the exhibition.

– You can vouch for the failure among American artists.

– Morya indicates the timing to Urusvati, when she will begin to perceive My Image—after one month.

Explanation of the night vision from February 16–17. E.R. woke up because of a feeling of heaviness. It was as if acting from the outside, spreading to the whole body, and kept increasing; the whole body was as if being gradually pressed into bed, while the heart was completely calm, feeling no fear at all. After a few minutes, or seconds, a strong silver and white light appeared in the eyes, and then in the ears like singing on two notes. Then a terrible heartbeat, with an unclear vision of the appearance of M.M., and almost instantaneously there was a cessation of the heartbeat with a feeling of lightness and absolute darkness (I felt the burning of the spine)—It was filling the nerve centers with prana.

– “Those who are wise are also fearless.”[68]

– Urusvati should not sit long in the bath, you shall start hearing after the bath.

– I need to shift Urusvati to the next level.

– “A miracle comes unforeseen.”[69]

– Through the right phenomena I prepare the achievements of the spirit.

– Calm and trusting.

– “Everything new has its significance.

– Often a grain can be more important than a mountain.”[70]

E.R.’s remark that she would like to stop empty dreaming—“You must use your imagination.

– For the imagination opens windows that reveal new vistas. Who desires—receives.

– All things have their significance.”[71]

– Enough.

18 February 1922, evening


From February 17–18, M.M. manifested the impact of the rays. After that came a vision of M.M.’s figure in a large size and in strange dress, like a modern coat with a big cuff; in His hands was a dark object of a square shape.

From February 17–18, while I was in the bath, there were extraordinary knocks and crackles in the room. Their strength was astonishing.

– I deem Urusvati’s work is well done—find your heirs in America.

– You may call the secretary for Tuesday morning.

– You must understand.

– Mine, but you are the builders.

– Phone Chistyakov—you should see him.

– He should be strengthened for Siberia work.

– Unsteady ones should be persistently supported.

– Urusvati, do not talk to Bashkirov tomorrow.

– Urusvati, support Lichtmann only with approval.

– You may not start the talk.

– Do not get involved in another’s life path line.

– He needs to stay in the public, he should take his own path; a wondrous fairy tale awaits him.

– Through Urusvati, the miracle of many other lives will shine.

– You should count your days until departure.

In which garment have I seen Him?—in Turkish attire of Akbar.

What was the object in His hands?—Chutra, one of the talismans worn on the belt.

– Urusvati, notice the knocks on the wall to the right.

– “A miracle is wrought amidst striving to the future life.”[72]

– I am watching your heart.

– Enough.

19 February 1922, morning


From the February 18–19, I have heard the phrase: Where are your abodes?—India, India, India.

Vision of M.M.’s eyes and some object, but not clearly because of utmost tiredness.

Can they talk with M.M. at any time?—You always can.

– “Think not of food.

– He who fasts, but in his heart covets food, is of little merit.

– Not with hay do you prepare yourselves for salvation,

– But through the growth of your spirit shall you achieve.”[73]

– “Fret not—it is better to rejoice at each grain of creation of the spirit.

– Creation has its place, even among the dark ones.

– Look through a microscope and life will reveal myriads of wonderful forms.

– (Urusvati is right—) in darkness the eye masters better the spiritual sight.”[74]

– Write down the vision, unclear—tired.

What was the object shown to E.R.?—A rare metal that is needed to sympathize the nerves.

– Urusvati, you can kindle Grant.

– You can name her Guardian. Moran Idokhya—from Spain in the fourteenth century.

– The singer, Sargossa.

– She should help the school.

– Martyr for faith, Modra, from Spain in the fourteenth century. The wife of Sargossa’s citizen.

– In the mornings, mentally pronounce My Name as a shield for the day. Seven times.

– Enough.

20 February 1922, evening


From February 19–20, heard the words: October 31—day of death of Len.

– Urusvati, Urusvati, I will go with you . . .”

A vision of M.M.’s eyes and different radiating objects.

What does this sentence mean?—I will go to Russia.

– Urusvati, you should affirm yourself in pure confidence of the journey.

– The Teacher is dressed well; the children can also be well dressed.

– You may ask Zak, how he can go so long without spiritual food—he prefers American theater to the source of life. He will regret every lost minute.

– Lichtmann will be returned all paid, but let him learn to sacrifice.

– “It is wise not to worry but to strive joyfully.

– You must think, for thoughts create deeds.”[75]

– It is necessary to use the poultice; do not tire your leg.

– Enough.

21 February 1922, daytime


– “Discern in the new happenings the battle that was foretold.

– You already know how strained is everything.”[76]

– Urusvati unveiled Zak.

– “We offer happiness—woe to those who reject it.”[77]

– Urusvati, do not say a single word more to any of the Russians, consider them dead.

– Praise the Americans to the Russians.

– Let those who decided to leave, praise the remaining ones.

– You may feel the Shield above us—I am going to the battle.

– Enough.

22 February 1922, morning


– I do not praise, do not approve, but admire the burning of your spirit.

– Desire of ascension.

– Do not worry about giving away the material treasures of Russia—she needs only spiritual treasures.

– Help the brother with work—it will strengthen his energy.

– Enough until evening.

22 February 1922, evening

M. S. Gr. Lichtmann

– It is necessary to point out that the appearance of Zak was brought by Me in order to unveil his soul.

– “Count the actions of vehement enemies as preferable to those of lukewarm friends.”[78]

23 February 1922, daytime


From February 22–23—visions unclear—I was very tired. Heard and remembered just the end of the phrase: I found, Urusvati.

– I advise Urusvati not to go to Izvalskaya—she is upset with the Russians, better not to touch her. Write to her.

– Sutro—Walter Rosen—do not include them.

– Stern and Blumental—exchange them.

– No need to call the Russians.

Despite the instruction of M.M. not to include Sutro in the list, they were sent tickets to the concert, which were sent back with the very first mail.

– Do not go to Rakhmaninova.

– Hurry Selivanova, it is dangerous to miss the time.

– Soon there will be new information for departure.

– We must fight, knowing victory.

– “Knowledge devoid of love is dead, but the radiance of the rainbow comprises all fires.”[79]

– “The full spectrum of light is sometimes unpleasant to the human eye because of its

high vibrations.”[80]

– Inform Schneider about the exhibition.

– It is better to address Wires in Uster.

– Urusvati, do not worry.

– I found your way to India and the details and conditions of your journey.

– “The details of the path vary according to the karmas and auras of those whom you encounter.”[81]

– “A bird ruffles its feathers in the cold, but the warm sun will spread its wings.”[82]

– Enough.

24 February 1922


– I think no need to attend the ball tomorrow.

– You need to strengthen friendship with Ziloti—he will show you favor.

– Urusvati should teach Lichtmann to understand the timings of My Instructions.

– “The character of the (Russian) people will be illumined by the beauty of spirit.”[83]

– Chistyakov will regret his darkness.

– New people will execute the needed work.

– “(Urusvati,) weep not where tears are useless; arrows are needed to transfix the dark spirit.”[84]

– Send repentance and regret for his darkness.

– He could satisfy the need of young people, and serve the Great Russia—but, lack of faith.

– Rerikh’s thought to punch Chistyakov in his nose is not good—better strengthen his remorse.

– Now do not bring new Russians any closer.

– You need to aspire for departure.

– One needs to hope that not the purchases bring joy of art—the art teaches young people.

– Russia will flourish through the arts.

– Inform Dymov.

– Enough.

25 February 1922, daytime


From February 24–25, I saw a dream.

– I deem impure money leads to an impure aura.

– You need to tell Lichtmann about the darkness of the embassy money.

– Every Russian dollar will confirm the senility of a new deed.

– “You have sacrificed much for Our Task.

– Let others now fearlessly face the scoffers in the Name of the Lord.”[85]

– You gave up your name to the crucifixion.

– I sense the battle.

– “Rest before the new assault.

– The last Gates are near.

– It is not a peaceful Teaching that I pronounce.

– In battle remember My Shield.”[86]

– Do not call Russians to your apartment.

– Waiting for benefits.

– Do not tell Bolm about Zak.

– Be able to get quietly through the time before departure.

– You need to let the children finish—excuse, if part of your strength has been transferred to them. I know the balance of power.

– The Teacher is with you.

– Enough.

– The old worlds.

– You cannot go to India without a steamer.

– It was not your hand that threw them away, but karma.

– I do not consider Georgia important.

– Enough.

26 February 1922, evening


– Rerikh, know your place; you started the art school, and your name will be affirmed— direction toward art gives Russia the roots of the search.

– Urusvati should know, phenomena may be reinforced; I deem your tiredness will pass.

– Better save your strength, do not force yourself.

– “Each new day brings new possibilities.

– A bird, before its flight, cannot foresee how it will traverse the ocean.”[87]

– I shall not strike people useful for the work.

– All this will be fulfilled at the first opportunity.

– “If all impulsive desires were satisfied, the Universe would be destroyed.”[88]

– If you know, then wisely and quietly go through time before the end of learning.

– “Fear not moods; like leaves they will be blown away.”[89]

– My Hand is always above you.

– In the village one needs to choose an appropriate body (Explanation of a dream).

– Only by eyes can you recognize Us.

– To show how to speak to common folk in spiritual language (Explanation of a dream).

– Speak in a mode of the spiritual servant. Went to speak to peasants (Explanation of a dream).

– Remember in Russia (A dream).

– The Tibetan mountain can bring the calmness.

– “The pure spring bursting from beneath the snow will quench your thirst.”[90]

– Enough.

27 February 1922, evening


From February 26–27. The words: Do not belittle the Jew.

Then I remembered only the end of the phrase: . . . only thus one can come closer to God.

– The words about the Jews refer to Margolin’s meeting.

– The matters of the school (Sosnets).

– Today you read The Secret Doctrine I, 37. Line 2 [1Ed.]: “Time is only an illusion produced by the succession of our states of consciousness as we travel through eternal duration.”

– Be able to learn, reading The Secret Doctrine II, 243: Line 5.

– “(Urusvati,) you grow weary of waiting, but try to comprehend how

disheartening it is to see the structure still lacking a roof.

– The human spirit resists the good.

– I want to help you, and will enter the battle.”[91]

– Enough.

28 February 1922, evening


– Urusvati shall reach predestined paths.

E.R.’s remark that she wants to go free and choose her own way—You are going freely to Our Teaching.

To E.R’s expressed desire to learn from somebody—There are no people assigned by Us here.

You will have to live one year quietly here.

E.R.’s question about V. Hoock—He is not a teacher for you.

– Your learning is timed for India.

– I cannot hasten the children more.

– “The impatience of the passengers cannot hasten the train.”[92]

– Afterwards, you will be amazed at your impatience—you run the quickest way.

– When you learn why four must go in united consciousness, then you will understand why we had to wait until the course of the children’s study was over.

E.R.’s remark why M.M. did not appear earlier, when her mind and memory were fresh—Your mind is good, and the memory shall clear up.

– In the course of events in Russia, I gave the books and confirmed the spirit through self-immersion.

– By approaching societies in Russia, you would have disturbed your path.

– I shall lead you to learning, to the rest of the spirit, and to a new appearance.

– You may peacefully expect the messenger.

– I remember and protect all of you.

– “New circumstances require new flights.

– Rush not—all things will come.”[93]

– Enough.

1 March 1922

M. Maurice M. and S. Gr. Lichtmann

From February 28–March 1, E.R. woke up out of a strong shock—a bright light appeared in the eyes, and inside on the right side of the head E.R., saw two luminous rotating circles (wheels), one bright green, and another white; both were phosphorescent.

– “A miracle is wrought—you perform services important for the manifestation of future life.”[94]

– I can arrange the school Myself, but it should be built by the hands of people.

– “The difficulties of the task are akin to those of polishing a diamond.

– A hostile will must be diverted to the good just as a stream is directed to the mill.

– But how many dams must the miller build before he can control the current!

– A hand must possess strength, and an eye vision, to perceive new possibilities.

– The most worthy labor is that performed with one’s own hands.

– By labor do you unlock the Gates to the Land of your striving.

– Everything is possible, but remember that what has been promised will be manifested

at the appointed time.

– Who aspires will attain.

– Learn through the manifestations of life.

– We send you images of persons and events;

– And both reveal to you the determined plan of a wondrous evolution of the human race.

– I bring a talisman to all:

– Whosoever proclaims Beauty shall be saved.”[95]

– Work, I request, enough.

– Enough.

2 March 1922, evening


– Beloved ones, you need to send the arrows with joint effort—We shall uplift you.

– You will understand when you start even healing.

Why M. did not answer through the alphabet to the question concerning the help to Koshetz—there is no need to talk in Lichtmann’s presence, if it is enough to send the will mentally.

– You can request mentally.

– “We are ready to help, if We are not prevented.”[96]

– It is difficult to help her—there are very few moments when her fear clears the path for influence (N. Koshetz).

Are her arrows required?—Without the arrows, there would not be influence.

– “We open the Gates only to those who knock.

– The arrows of Our chosen representative direct the energy.”[97]

– She is not called a daughter (N. Koshetz).

The strength can flourish, but do not consider the Russians here to be destined friends.

E.R.’s question, when will be her trial over?—We are on trial Ourselves.

– “All worlds are on trial,

– And the Tablets of the Creator are inscribed with the records of the trial.

– And the Sun of Suns shines to the everlasting Song of the Great Labor.”[98]

– I sense the hour when you will grasp the meaning of the Trial.

E.R.’s question, whether she can try another ways?—There is nowhere to go—your path is decided.

– Then and now, everything is done systematically (The answer to E.R.’s mental question).

– Enough.

3 March 1922, evening


– “Search for the true meaning of each manifestation in life.

– You need the arrows.”[99]

– Shots to the Teacher enter not through Urusvati, but through the happiness of the dark prosecutors of Besant.

“For you must fight the destroyers of mankind.

– The attack draws near, and you must discover the right path, even amidst the battle.”[100]

– Urusvati loves Us—not showing respect in words, Urusvati is a faithful protector.

– We consider Urusvati to be Our rock, and want to pay attention to the seriousness of the moment.

– I can warn, but you need to figure it out yourselves.

– Urusvati, pay attention to: u r s a u   sch ya n u s a Our fierce opponent Russian  s ya r-ya does not accept—I think you can grasp.[101]

– Enough.

4 March 1922, daytime


From March 3–4, had a vision of M.’s image in the hoop, the ends almost connected, then the appearance of an object, which could not be clearly seen because of utmost tiredness.

From March 3–4, the words of M.M.: Conceive our decision.

– I sense that z ya ch shch Rerikh shch u ch new destined alien happiness—Urusvati cannot be reproached.[102]

– We need to think sternly about Our construction—Urusvati, Our power shall fill your being.

– Let the new happiness not scare Urusvati.

– Urusvati, send the arrows.

– I am sending a new wonder.

– You are destined to reach Us—remember?

– You are destined to teach in Russia.

– You are destined to impart spiritual joy.

– You are destined to quench the thirst of the nation.

– You are destined to remove the enemies.

– You must prepare for taking the predestined upon your shoulders.

– I will continue tonight (8:00 p.m.).

4 March 1922, evening M.

– Your mind is silent, but the heart is full of worry.

– Read The Secret Doctrine I, 33. Line 15: “There were battles fought between the Creators and the Destroyers.”

– Read The Secret Doctrine II, 241. Line 19: “It is the spirit of the Earth in its triple unity that builds the physical body, attracting to it the Spirits of Life and forming his Linga Sarira.”[103]

– The ink stain should be removed with pastel.

– My Hand can teach Lichtmann, but without cash guarantee.

– “Sacrifices have been made upon M’s Mountain.

– It is difficult to pray when the mind is filled with worldly thoughts.

– Your will must guard the place of prayer.

– It is better to truly know people than to be charmed by their masks.”[104]

– I teach Lichtmann why the school is necessary—

– “If human hearts were filled with beauty, no sacrifices would be needed.

– But (there are so many Zaks.)

– Therefore, it is a thorny way that leads to each truth.”[105]

– Enough.

6 March 1922, evening


– I sense Urusvati correctly perceives the idea about the school.

– It is right not to offend Lichtmann.

– Consider Rerikh to be a pure Teacher of the school.

– Urusvati, teach Lichtmann to get gradually used to the idea of the school.

– I shall grant new possibilities.

– Read The Secret Doctrine I, 320: “We are taught that the primeval faith of the Israelites was quite different from that which was developed centuries later by the Talmudists, and before them by David and Hezekiah.”

– Read The Secret Doctrine II, 345. Line 3 [344, line 39—Ed.]: “The word materials seems to remain inexplicable.”

– Be able to expect phenomena.

– If you knew the complexity of the moment, you would have understood your path.

– I want to lead you to the primary sources, and show you the faces of knowledge in India.

– Before February, I do not see the beginning of the departure.

– Until next year.

– But make an effort to complete the series of paintings by June.

E.R.’s question, why is it that when she has to say unpleasant things, she immediately forgets all necessary words—Do not go against the guidance of the spirit.

– Someone who is under a shower of Grace does not have to resist a miracle.

– How can you reach Us without a horse?

– Both a horse and a sleigh will come in handy.

– Enough.

Is N. Koshetz’s karma connected with M.M.?—Nothing is connected.

Is her karma connected with us?—No.

– My appointed disciple guards her because of your karma—those who are with you, are protected.

M. M. Lichtmann?Nutsya was in Jerusalem during your time, and saved you from the horse—the wife of Solomon. Urvat Mardohay Ben-Holit—palace official on errands.

– No need to pronounce her name—it is heavy (Sister of Sin. Gr. Lichtmann).

– Sultana Uromagarada during the time of Genghis Khan (E. Rerikh).

– Queen of Kazan from the Genghis Khan family.

– Enough.

At the end of conversation with M.M., we remained sitting in the living room, and having discussed the above for a few seconds became silent; we sat against each other. Suddenly the room began to fill with a golden haze, hiding all things, leaving visible only the face of my husband, but this face began to change, taking a completely different expression and changing beyond recognition. I managed to see only three faces, derived from this strange contemplation by the words of N.K.: “What does this Polushkin think?” The visions disappeared, and the haze dissolved.

I was terribly upset and, having told everything to my husband, we decided to try again to bring ourselves to a state of rest. We were able to—the room began to fill with haze again; again the same faces appeared and one of them was especially bright and long held—the face of a young Mongol with a fairly wide and short face, with big, but Mongolian eyes, black hair, and a little black beard, making its way on the cheeks and missing on his chin. The face was very strong and beautiful. The entire figure seemed to sit in a golden robe on a golden throne, giving the impression of power and strength. Then this face was replaced by a good-natured one, with a rather big thick nose, red-purple cheeks, and a bearded, gray-haired face of the Slav.

At the same time, my husband saw me in a lilac mist, my face transforming into a face of an Egyptian woman with Uraeus on her head; eye sockets became larger, darker, and a face more narrow and shorter; the light was falling from above, which totally mismatched my place. We were withdrawn from this contemplation by a telephone call from Polushkin, recalled ten minutes ago by my husband.

7 March 1922, daytime


– I have revealed the faces of your former life.

– You can see the faces of others if you find a moment of peace.

– Do not force your sight.

– I hear the sound of a miracle, you may remain silent.

– Fear may disturb your wonderful hand, but be not afraid, My spear is with you—you can easily accept.

– You can sit—My strength is sufficient.

– Schur—Morya can read the thoughts.

– Urusvati, pure thoughts are stern, but your decision is steady.

– Be able to grasp.

– I sense, Urusvati is able to perceive Our Will—re-reading Our messages, she understands the nature of Our creativity.

– Where I can warn you, there is a hint.

– Enough.

E.R.’s question, whose was the manifested face of a young Mongol?—Fu-ya-ma—Chinese emperor, third century.

The first image?—Dalai-Lama.

European image?—Priest at the Svetovit temple.

8 March 1922, evening


– It is hard for you to honor your value in the future.

– I may continue in Lichtmann’s presence.

– At night, Urusvati’s ear becomes sensitive.

– You do not remember, but the spirit knows.

To E.R.’s question what she should memorize for restoring her memory—Letters of Morya.

– My words will destroy temptations of doubt.

– The facts of life will coincide with the words.

– You may write a message to Shibayev: “Miller runs the wheel, but the flour is always new.”—warn him about the Master’s battle.

8 March 1922, late evening

M. Maurice M. and S. Gr. Lichtmann

– I sense the sister recognized the secretary who came on Tuesday.

– Urusvati recognized Shuster.

– “Twilight is easily dispelled by rays of light.

– Know how to solve those problems that wealth cannot resolve.”[106]

– It is difficult to initiate good affairs without a prior plan.

– Traitors will be silenced. Do not give joy to those who are alien in spirit. Hush, Zak, hush Saminsky, hush Uchshekaya, hush Tit Livius, hush Chistyakov, hush, feeling the power of Morya.

– Bashkirov left—the Teacher revealed His Image.

– Learn from life and remember—I am with you.

– Enough.

S. Gr. Lichtmann’s question, whether her thoughts and decision were correct—Read The Secret Doctrine I, 245, line 2 [1—Ed.]: “Conquered in accordance with the inspiration of Neshamah.”

9 March 1922, evening


In the night from March 8–9 the words of Master M.: “Becoming one, thrilled with Enthusiasm—praise God.”

A vague vision—the usual hoop, but one end is bent inward and instead of M.M.’s Image there was a glowing object changing its shape in the form of a cross.

– I have a bad feeling, but it should not scare you. From the Russians, beware of outsiders.

– I sense someone’s testimony of your insanity.

– Yes.

– He can be called; he can be shown facets of your practical life—be reminded about Muromtsev’s intellect and Rerikh’s practical sense.

– I sense, his words will evoke someone’s joy.

– Urusvati, feeling Russian envy, I advise you not to call outsiders.

– I think Shibayev will be devoted to you.

– The sound of glory will not confuse you, but do not repeat your royal incarnations to the Lichtmanns; they will not handle it.

– After two years, I may accept them into My consciousness, if they themselves do not prevent it.

– “Think of the future and linger not at the present.

– My Help is great and is given without delay.”[107]

– Let us help Udraya again.

– Enough.

10 March 1922, night


A vision of a rainbow in the form of straight vertical line, and then two times in a spherical shape. A faint vision—a hoop and again one end is bent. A vision of a train compartment—a light-colored sofa with a very high back, the seat narrow and dark—the words, “Train.”

– Now I shall bring success with the paintings.

– I consider the series of paintings successful.

– Urusvati carries a pure soul to Us, and shall receive a response.

The letters are received from Adyar—from Krishnamurti and Manziarly. Five minutes before the letters came, I entered my husband’s studio; he was sitting and writing. I leaned over and kissed his head and, immediately around him, felt the sharp smell of my favorite freesias. The fragrance was kept for a long time; I wondered whence. Then the bell rang, and I was given a letter from Adyar. In the evening M.M. said: The freesias’ fragrance is My favorite.

– . . . [illegible]

– Urusvati, We feel your pure love.

– Time to sleep.

11 March 1922, evening


– “I revealed to you new images—learn to discern.”[108]

– For you Koshetz is dead, the Muromtsevs are warned. Enough about it.

To my remark that Muromtsev will not understand what it means that Koshetz is dead for you.

– If Muromtsev wishes to experience the quality of Koshetz’s aura on himself, he can undertake this experiment. But there is no need to burden your aura.

Should I phone her?—She will distance herself—enough about her.

– I advise Muromtsev to protect his wife from mad influences.

– I sense an opportunity to warn them.

– “It may be painful to see even your friends unmasked,

– But knowledge and truth are above all.”[109]

– My Shield covers your harmony.

– Urusvati’s heart sparkles, protecting the weak.

– “A steed rears under the lash of the whip.

– Purusha trembles in the presence of injustice.

– Blessed are the courageous and the just.

– The only judge is your spirit, wherein is God.”[110]

– Read to the Lichtmanns.

– Enough.

On the evening of March 11, we were sitting in the living room. Salima was present after the break with N. P. Koshetz. Listening to her, I have seen the light of the aura and rays of M.M. in that part of the room, where we usually stand while communicating with M.M.

12 March 1922, daytime


– I will tell Muromtsev, at all times, one remains firm—the place and power by which he approached the Guardian.

– Do not break, do not break, do not break.

– Remember the source forever.

– Urusvati is correct, matching signs and letters.

At night from March 11–12. Unfamiliar intonation and the words: “You are adorable,” with ugly defiant laughter—intuitively I understood that this applied to my husband and me—I gave it, so that Urusvati could hear the voice from Koshetz’s entourage—to convince Muromtsev. Convey it to him.

To my remark, what if these messages will have the opposite effect on Muromtsev—better to know.

– I shall continue in the presence of the Lichtmanns.

12 March 1922, evening

M. S. Gr., Enta M., and M. M. Lichtmann

– I consider that other people’s quarrels should no longer attract your attention.

– “The Cosmos is reflected in the pupil of every eye.

– And God dwells in every heart.

– Woe to those who expel God.

– Better never to know than to betray.

– The Teacher was manifested, and the Name of the Messiah was pronounced in My Abode.

– Not to small things will you be witnesses.

– The cloud above God’s Mountain will be dispersed.

– The lightning of His Voice will illumine the abysses.

– New, new, new ones, beautiful ones, clear-minded ones, exalted ones, will gather.

– (Elohim—The Creator!)

– The Teacher has entrusted you to manifest Him.

– Gather people under My roof.)”[111]

– Do not take payment for the sacrifice.

– I will compensate through My new Call.

– “M’s Mountain is erected, is upheld, and is encircled by the plough of labor.”[112]

– “Degrade not yourselves with trivial judgments,

– And with a smile accost danger.

– Can there be danger when under M’s Shield?”[113]

– Enough.

13 March 1922, evening


From March 12–13. The words, between (fifty-four and five) (or at the corner).

A vision of a wreath (hoop) from the Master’s hands, holding the ring with one stone.

– I think Muromtsev understood.

– Urusvati, rejoice at the light of friends.

– Morya’s hand feels, Urusvati’s heart brightens with the consciousness of truth.

– The hand feels vibrations.

– “Your faith should be aflame,

– And you should look forward without expectation.”[114]

– We shall find time and place.

– My Hand encircles the light with a crown; do not avoid watching this vision—observe.

– “Expect naught, yet be cognizant of the motion of each blade of grass.”[115]

– This is the stage of learning.

– Around you there is a whirlwind of battles; I clean the atmosphere with electricity, you can live.

– Rerikh, I advise you to work.

– Enough.

After the talk, I saw visions of the faces—they must have been very remote lives. One appearance was of a very short man with a pretty big head; the face of a semi-savage with a flattened nose and enlarged nostrils; the skin on the face very rough, as if pitted with smallpox; a prominent forehead, hair, and a black, curly beard. The second appearance—slightly more decent, but still akin to the type. The third being already European, with a thin face, thin nose, small eyes, rustic, very light hair, a sharp beard of an almost linen color, and very straight, especially at the temples; an exhausted face.

14 March 1922, evening


A vision from March 13–14. The wreath and face of M.M. The wreath and the ray from the middle—the hands of M.M., and the sleeves ended with a bracelet of shiny beads.

– France will honor Udraya.

– I shall help Udraya.

– He will fulfill his karma by discovering the cities he destroyed.

– His task is to make necessary discoveries earlier than Russia.

– (Urusvati), “I feel the dust blinds your sight and the battle deafens you.

– But knowledge will come to overcome your exhaustion.

– You must know that the chosen path of Good leads to the Source of Wisdom.”[116]

– Even in the shade, Urusvati recognized the one who offered the guarantee of ascent, and the guarantee is included in the book, and the book is revealed to Urusvati.

– And the hands are anointed with peace, and the candles of enlightened life are given.

– “By signs will you know how to time the steps of your ascent.

And all that exists will be a book of life for you.

– I reveal to you all the steps, and the path leads straight onward (Urusvati).

– The Creator is seeking new forms.

– Blessed are striving and the search.

– Be aflame, shine and give light.

– The juice of knowledge is increasing, as the fruit ripens under the hand of the gardener.”[117]

– Enough.

Should we address R.?—No.

Maybe, Selivanova should do it?—No.

E.R.’s remark, should she address Sosnets?—Yes.

Should Selivanova do it through somebody?—Yes.

May I ask the surname of this person?—Yes. Rivkin.

– Enough.

15 March 1922, evening


A vision from March 14–15, of the wall or a big white board with different yellow geometric objects drawn on it, and the corner of the table under it.

I heard a lot; ‘Sana’ was mentioned often, but I remember nothing except one sentence: Whatever they say, but the one who is needed will come in time.

– I deem Urusvati did correctly. The sooner the issue of things is resolved, the better.

– Urusvati, display expectation—wonder is happening—some time is needed.

– “The spirit cannot die, nor can the mind destroy the Miracle of the Creator.

– A tree spreads its shelter over many, but only the gardener knows the growth of each branch.

– The branches of the tree may be gnarled, but the form of the tree appears mighty to the passer-by,

– And the shade of its foliage shields the weary traveler.

– Pure thoughts are twined like branches.

– Each is different but its growth strengthens the tree.”[118]

– I shall tell Muromtsev tomorrow.

– I shall give help—I deem it is required.

– Her malice is foolish, not in the work, but in the influence of her entourage.

– I want to free the auras from her influences.

– It is necessary to know that sendings of the spirit affect the aura in the Circle for a long time.

– I protect you, but part of your strength is also spilled, reflecting the blows.

– Her negative strength is huge, and My Words “Koshetz is dangerous” are not in vain.

– It is not yet too late to eliminate—I demand.

– She may be a witch, and you do not need her aura.

– Her blue aura appears during singing, but in a real life it is motley.

– I was not asked—I am removing her from March.

– Enough.

In the evening on March 15 in the bedroom I saw a large blue star.

16 March 1922, daytime

M. I. E. Muromtsev

From March 15–16. Of all that was said, I remembered only one word: “Remember.” In the vision of the wreath, this time the ends were closed.

– I am asking, how will you achieve Spiritual Comprehension if you do not listen to Me?

– Not out of nonsense, I demand the removal of Koshetz.

– I protect you, do not be betrayers. You are needed for another work; do not try to dissuade as children by misunderstanding.

– I warned you—execute the Will.

What to do? Koshetz is planning to come to Forest Hill[119] on Saturday?—For the last time.

– Do not pronounce Our Name.

– Open your eyes, and do not take strength from your families.

– “So that My Forces not be spent in vain,

– You should obey.”[120]

– Remember, it is time to stop reflecting the outsider’s aura.

– I granted help. “Understand this.”[121]

– Enough.

During the séance E.R. observed the blue stars.

17 March 1922, evening


– Write about a wonder—Uchshekaya shall leave from America.

– I shall save you from unjust Uchshekaya.

– She promises you accusation of insult before the court.

– I consider her dangerous.

– I consider her dangerous.

– I consider her dangerous.

– Rerikh, do not talk about her.

– There is no mind.

– I feel danger from the mad one.

– Urusvati, be cautious.

– Urusvati, be able to get through the Uchshekaya case—I consider her insane.

– I sense a wonder for Urusvati.

– Direct your arrows for the matter of a scholarship. The sending increases vibrations.

– Purification through consciousness.

– We are responsible for the effect of aura.

– Enough.

May I ask?—Yes.

What should Salima do?—Work.

Should she return to Koshetz?—No.

Can she sit and communicate with the Guardian?—She can sit with Meyer.

Why does M. keep Himself aloof?—The influence of Koshetz’s aura. Their being could not stand the battle.

On which side is Muromtsev now?—On the side of Koshetz.

– Enough.

18 March 1922, evening


In the night from March 17–18: a vision of the wreath made of M.M.’s hands, and the wreath closed at my request, then disconnected; there were two rings visible on the fingers, while the second ring with one stone was slowly put on a finger by itself, and from its stone shone a beam of extraordinary brightness. This sparkle repeated up to five times, maybe more, and the beam sometimes forked.

– I sense happiness again—a tour of the paintings promises success.

– I sense good luck in Milwaukee. [122]

– I bet on My Shield.

– Urusvati, today your thinking is pure.

– I am revealing a new stage—thus unfolds the knowledge of life.

– You have acquired new calmness.

E.R.’s remark that she is really calm about the material side—Not only that—but also the perception of instructions in life, and a ready-made cure from Me.

Is it so, that the ring, which E.R. sees on M.’s hand is of a silver, and resembles the one she wears?—Yes

What stone is it?—An emerald.

– “Pure thoughts are protected by a talisman.

– The use of a talisman is as scientific as the use of a magnet.”[123]

– Your stars are also the lightnings of My talisman Emerald.

What do the visible stars mean during our conversation?—A sign of communication.

– Read The Secret Doctrine II, 326. Line 6 [5—Ed.]: “The seven sacred Islands.”

– The essence of the approaching wonder shall soon surprise you.

– Enough.

19 March 1922, evening


From March 18–19: a vision of the wreath, and at my request its ends were closed. A letter to Advey was given in English; the next morning I still remembered it, but forgot by evening.

– I sense My Shield is needed for Urusvati.

– I shall give help to Urusvati against the dark ones.

– I consider Koshetz is dangerous.

– I think Urusvati should not go to the concert tomorrow.

– Urusvati, useful people will not come there.

– Urusvati, Urusvati, Urusvati, I will safeguard you.

– No need to tempt yourself. No need to take courageous risks.

– I send you help, and I care about you.

– (Urusvati), “There are many paths but the heart recognizes the surest one.”[124]

– I vouch to show a miracle to Urusvati.

– “To understand clearly means to learn much.”[125]

– Sure, you will grasp.

– Urusvati, you will reach far.

– My Shield is upon you.

– I sternly vouch to hold the shield.

– Write to Advey.

– No need to read when thoughts are given.

– Learn to write down given thoughts.

– Enough.

A vision of the new images of N. Rerikh. One resembles a priest or a scientist, with a very intelligent face, rather longish, with a straight nose, long black hair, and a very long beard tapering down. Another—perfectly round face, with complete absence of any hair on the face and head, very young—an Oriental type.

20 March 1922, night

M. The day of the first concert in the school.

S., Enta and M. Lichtmann

From March 19–20, a vision of the wreath—on M.’s hand, a ring with a quadrangular stone and some image on it, was put on the finger of the left hand. The ring was persistent, and several times shown to me, but I could not see beyond the outlines of a head. Then the words of M.: I will explain tomorrow.

– I manifested the shield—Uchshekaya retreated. The evil passes away.

– “Deeply laid is the foundation.

– The builders laying the base know not the height of the future towers.

– But the architect already has designed their height.

– Some structures grow only in austerity, and with great difficulty.

– Let cowardice depart and let treason build its own nest.

– By demolishing these nests with lightning and blowing away cowardice with a whirlwind shall We forge the way.

– Go and work.”[126]

– Enough.

том 2 рис с138.jpgOn March 20, I was again shown the wreath from M.’s hands, while the right hand held a thin hoop. After the hoop, a triangle was shown with a square beneath it; all items were as if made of wire. Then I saw in M.M.’s hand an ordinary object, a triangle with a handle and outgoing rays.

After that, some two-story structure was shown with many windows, and the windows which should have been noted were indicated.

[1] Readers’ Note: In the original text, the initials of Helena Roerich, Nicholas Roerich, and their sons, George and Svetoslav, usually appear in their Russian form, therefore in the translation we chose to transliterate them: N.R. (Nikolai Konstantinovich Rerikh for Nicholas Roerich; E.R. (Elena Ivanovna Rerikh) for Helena Roerich; Y.R. (Yuri Nikolayevich Rerikh, also Yurik) for George Roerich; Sv.R. (Sviatoslav Nikolayevich Rerikh, also Svetoslav, Svetik) for Svetoslav Roerich.—Ed.

[2] “Urusvati” and “Svati” are the spiritual names for Helena Roerich.Ed.

[3] Leaves of Morya’s Garden Book One: The Call, (New York, Agni Yoga Society, Inc., Online edition 2019), 157. [From now on to (short title) LOMG I.—Ed.]

[4] LOMG I, 157.

[5] The names of the Authors of the messages are presented by their initials (in bold).—Ed.

[6] The references to all quotes from the volumes of The Secret Doctrine are given as were recorded in the original records of Helena Roerich, and generally correspond precisely with the cited edition. At times, the actual line numbers in the cited edition can differ by one or two lines. Where possible, a correlation between the cited edition, and the revised 1925 edition, has been provided after the reference in square brackets.—Ed.

[7] H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis, Religion, and Philosophy. Vol. I, 314. (Point Loma, California: The Aryan Theosophical Press, 1917)

[9] H. P. Blavatsky, “The Caves of Bagh.” Chap. 10 in From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan (London: Theosophical Publishing Society, 1892). [From now on to (short title) Caves and Jungles.—Ed.]

[10] Blavatsky, Caves and Jungles (see chap. 12).

[11] Blavatsky, Caves and Jungles (see chap. 10).

[12] Blavatsky, Caves and Jungles.

[13] Blavatsky, Caves and Jungles.

[14] Blavatsky, Caves and Jungles.

[15] LOMG I, 159.

[16] LOMG I, 159.

[17] Blavatsky, Caves and Jungles.

[18] Blavatsky, Caves and Jungles (see chap. 1).

[19] Blavatsky, Caves and Jungles (see chap. 10).

[20] LOMG I, 160.

[21] LOMG I, 109.

[22] Blavatsky, Caves and Jungles.

[23] LOMG I, 161.

[24] Blavatsky, Caves and Jungles.

[25] Blavatsky, Caves and Jungles.

[26] Baume Bengué—French medicinal product, analgesic, ointment, soothing pain, and having a disinfectant effect. The main components are salicylic acid and menthol.—Trans.

[27] LOMG I, 162.

[28] LOMG I, 162.

[29] Blavatsky, Caves and Jungles.

[30] LOMG I, 163.

[31] LOMG I, 164.

[32] LOMG I, 164.

[33] LOMG I, 165.

[34] LOMG I, 165.

[35] LOMG I, 166.

[36] LOMG I, 167.

[37] LOMG I, 167.

[38] LOMG I, 168.

[39] LOMG I, 169.

[40] LOMG I, 169.

[41] LOMG I, 169.

[42] LOMG I, 170.

[43] LOMG I, 170.

[44] LOMG I, 171.

[45] LOMG I, 171.

[46] LOMG I, 172.

[47] LOMG I, 172.

[48] LOMG I, 172.

[49] LOMG I, 173.

[50] This most likely refers to one of the works of the Dutch artist of the fifteenth to sixteenth centuries Jacob Corneliszvan Oostsanen.—Ed.

[52] LOMG I, 173.

[53] Apparently, the book of Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater, Man: Whence, How and Whither (1913)—Trans.

[54] LOMG I, 174.

[55] LOMG I, 174.

[56] LOMG I, 175.

[57] LOMG I, 175.

[58] LOMG I, 176.

* This text was given in English therefore remains unchanged and unedited to maintain its original exactness. [From now on to (short version): Original English text.]Trans.

[59] LOMG I, 177.

[60] LOMG I, 177.

[61] LOMG I, 177.

[62] LOMG I, 178.

[63] LOMG I, 179.

[64] LOMG I, 179.

* Original English textTrans.

[65] LOMG I, 180.

[66] LOMG I, 181.

[67] LOMG I, 181.

[68] LOMG I, 182.

[69] LOMG I, 182.

[70] LOMG I, 182.

[71] LOMG I, 183.

[72] LOMG I, 184.

[73] LOMG I, 185.

[74] LOMG I, 186.

[75] LOMG I, 187.

[76] LOMG I, 188.

[77] LOMG I, 188.

[78] LOMG I, 189.

[79] LOMG I, 189.

[80] LOMG I, 190.

[81] LOMG I, 191.

[82] LOMG I, 192.

[83] LOMG I, 193.

[84] LOMG I, 193.

[85] LOMG I, 194.

[86] LOMG I, 194.

[87] LOMG I, 195.

[88] LOMG I, 196.

[89] LOMG I, 196.

[90] LOMG I, 196.

[91] LOMG I, 197.

[92] LOMG I, 198.

[93] LOMG I, 198.

[94] LOMG I, 199.

[95] LOMG I, 199.

[96] LOMG I, 200.

[97] LOMG I, 200.

[98] LOMG I, 200.

[99] LOMG I, 201.

[100] LOMG I, 201.

[101] This sentence contained encoding. The meaning is unclear.—Trans.

[102] This sentence contained encoding. The meaning is unclear.—Trans.

[103] H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy. Vol. II (London, Theosophical Publishing House, 1893, reprinted 1921.) [From now on, E.R uses this edition for Volumes I and II of The Secret Doctrine.—Ed.].

[104] LOMG I, 202.

[105] LOMG I, 202.

[106] LOMG I, 203.

[107] LOMG I, 204.

[108] LOMG I, 205.

[109] LOMG I, 205.

[110] LOMG I, 206.

[111] LOMG I, 207.

[112] LOMG I, 207.

[113] LOMG I, 208.

[114] LOMG I, 209.

[115] LOMG I, 209.

[116] LOMG I, 210.

[117] LOMG I, 210.

[118] LOMG I, 211.

[119] Perhaps this refers to the Forest Hills—district of New York.—Trans.

[120] LOMG I, 212.

[121] LOMG I, 212.

[122] Possible transcription—Trans.

[123] LOMG I, 213.

[124] LOMG I, 214.

[125] LOMG I, 214.

[126] LOMG I, 215.